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How to change the line background Files:?

Started by remdesign, 07.02.2015 09:14:03

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I want to change the background color of the header Files.
To do this, Layouts -> Files -> Standard Files Layout without Checkboxes v2.5 (it active) I tried to change
style="background-color:#EFEFEF; :

{files_title_begin}<div style="background-color:#00ff00; padding:6px;">{files_title_text}</div>{files_title_end}

But the background color has not changed. See attachment.
Please help find the cause of the error in my actions.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I believe it is taken from your template.  The background colour can be changed by including something like
.jd-files-subtitle {
   background-color: pink;
in file jdownloads_custom.css
There is an artiicle in the documentation on custom css

Colin M


Thanks for the quick reply.
Unfortunately, this style is not earned.
Disable background can be as shown in the screenshot, but I do not know what is the name of the class I need to use here.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Are you showing this from

  • the regular front end such as list all dowloads or list all categories?
  • Or is it from an Article or similar?
  • or it it from one of the jDownloads modules?

PS I think it is Content
Colin M


The 'Files" line is from the jD files layout.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Sorry about the delay in getting a positive outcome but it was a bit more obscure than I thought!
The "Files" line comes from a specific Layout, namely "Standard Files Layout v2.5".  It does not come from the Activated layout.

The particular part is at the start of the main layout section.
{files_title_begin}<div style="background-color:#EFEFEF; padding:6px;">

So a quick fix is to change it directly there, but that will be overwritten in each update!  So a better solution is to specify which layout you want to use by means of the place holder {file onlinelayout==layout name} specifying which layout.
I made a copy of "Standard Files Layout v2.5" with Save As Copy to get
"Standard Files Layout v2.5 (2)".  This will be retained between updates. Then I used {file onlinelayout==Standard Files Layout v2.5 (2)} before the normal placeholder eg {jd_file file==86}

In the longer term the layouts are being revised to include more class names.  For example the above may become
{files_title_begin}<div class="jd_files_title">

and jdownloads_fe.css would contain
.jd_files_title {

Colin M