
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
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Guests can't download files... - [Solved]

Started by romagromov, 22.02.2015 15:38:16

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Think the problem might be the "updated to jdownloads" step below.
QuoteI had joomla 2.5 and jdownloads 1.9.16
Then I updated to jdownloads
Then to jD2,5
Then to joomla 3.xx
And finally to jD3.2

jD1.9.2.11 is for Joomla 3.x only.  Not sure what would happen if it is loaded onto a Joomla 2.5.x platform
 The route that I and other people have used is to migrate the site from Joomla 2.5.x to Joomla 3.x broadly following the sequence in article  
In the later stages it does refer to

Perhaps I should change title of article to refer to 1.9.2.x explicitly  Yes will do

Please also see topic
Colin M


Ok, I tryed to check permissions in debug mode.

1. On my 1-st site, that working fine for registered users listed all categories and downloads as "alowed"

and in this list present all files and categories

2. On my 2-nd site listed only component and 2 categories, as alowed

Also, I found next:

When I open any category with "not allowed" setting

I manually set "alowed" and save

Then I again set "inherited" and save. After this, category have "allowed" permission  :o

And after this it displays in user groups

Of course, I can manually open all categories and downloads and set permission, but it will take a few days.

Is there way to make it in batch mode?

PS. Also, when I create new download - it have correct permissions.
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Ok, I tryed this way.
I have created temporary category, then replaced all categories in to this category using batch mode in jdownloads admin panel.
Then, I moved all categories back.
After this all categories have correct permissions.
For example, lets take category "Translators":

BUT!!!! When I open this category on site it displays "Only registered and logged in users can download files from this category"   ??? :o :-[ >:(

I'm confused... I don't have ideas anymore...

And when I trying to login as registered user I get notification: You cannot access the private section of this site.

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Ok, in assets database were errors...
com_jdownloads must have parent_id - 1
but some downloads had parent_id - 1 and even 0...
After I fix it, message "You cannot access the private section of this site." is gone

Next, If category with permissions "Allowed" have downloads with permissions "Inherited" or "Disallowed" - this category will displays message "Only registered and logged in users can download files from this category".

So, to fix permissions for categories - need to move them in other folder and back.

To fix permissions for downloads - need to move them in other category and back using batch mode. But it possible only step by step (category by category)
So, if you have 100 categories - you should move files from each category - 100 times.

Thanks for help, problem fixed.
I only can't understand, how it happens...  ???
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All I can say is well done - very tiresome but 100 is not as bad as one thousand!

Colin M


Hi romagromov,
i think your problems have in this case to do with earlier beta versions. Sorry for this circumstances.

QuoteSo, to fix permissions for categories - need to move them in other folder and back.
Hm.. maybe had you better used the reset permissions help function in the tools page? But not sure...  ::)
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Quote from: Arno on 26.02.2015 01:27:48
Hi romagromov,
i think your problems have in this case to do with earlier beta versions. Sorry for this circumstances.
Hm.. maybe had you better used the reset permissions help function in the tools page? But not sure...  ::)

Hi Arno.

Reseting permissions in the tools page not helps.
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You have right, in your case with the wrong parent_id's helped this not.
The parent_id's in the assets table should have always this structure (see pic).

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Ok, thanks Arno. I already fix that  ;)
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