
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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group limits not working properly

Started by Ta, 25.02.2015 04:01:58

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Hey guys,

Apologies if this is posted somewhere but my searches haven't been turning anything up. I want certain group users not to be able to change category when
uploading files so far i have activated the log function in the configuration and have not reduced the number of logged data sets for the downloads and have un-selected the "may change category" option on the user group limits however on the front end when testing the user group i have set this function for they can choose categories whereas i dont want it to be so.

definitely i am missing out  on something, iff you may point me in the right direction




I have just double checked on my test site that this does work.  So somewhere the settings are different.  As a start ould you advise please what user groups the user belongs to, which one is the user group settings that has the 'select category' un-ticked, and what are the user ranking values for each of the user groups.

Colin M


Sorry for the delayed response.

The user group is publisher, which has a raking of 50, please see the attached files, i am not sure if i should create another user group under publisher and then set the user group limits on this group or it should work if i use the publisher group directly.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I also missed your response! Whoops.
Having said earlier that this function is working I have now tried a different setup and found it is not working.  This seems to be tied up with Access View.  Hmm! Nedd to think/test more. ???

Just a quick initial comment.  If you put users in Publisher Group they may also be able to do things like publish and edit articles.  You may or may not want that to occur.  If you do not I would suggest setting up a user group with Registered as its parent.

I would suggest you look at the following docs 
Controlled Access to Categories and Downloads (Permissions & Access Levels)
Controlled Access to Categories and Downloads (Permissions & Access Levels)

From your first pic I assume it is members of the Publisher user group where it is intended they are not able to select other categories. Is that correct?
The second pic is confirming logging is active
The 3rd pic is telling me that the usergroup  setting of members of the uploaderfull and jDownloads-uploader groups will not be have any user group settings applied unless the also belong to another user group as well.  This is because those groups have a zero ranking value.  However they should pick up settings of Registered or Publisher respectively through implied membership.

Colin M



Thanks for your assistance, I am definitely missing out something I can do the other settings such as selecting and un-selecting functionality like, Use Editor for Text Fields or Use Tabs in Frontend Upload Form? and it works great on the frontend,
however the one not to allow users to choose category does not seem to work so far. The thing is i have lots and lots of categories and most of my users are so clumsy when they have to scroll through the categories they end up doing it wrongly
uploading on wrong categories and mess it up altogether, so i have to limit their access just to avoid this mess.

I am not sure if the group to limit must be empty for this feature to work because now i have already assigned users on this group, I am currently removing the users from this group and start with settings then assign users afterwards then test if it work.


I will check out the conditions that set such that a user group can only create/edit in  aselected category.  Presently I am travelling by train so I only have my tablet with me.

What I recall is that the user group needs create/ edit permision from the top level category aall the way down to the Downloads. This is the usual arrangement by the cascading of permissions.   Now also create View Access Levels, one which does not allow Access to the higher level categories, and another one which does allow Access.  Initially set the top level category with the view access that does not include the target user group. This should cascade down but check.  Now set the view access level on the  sub category you want that user group to be using.  Setting the user group settings to justa sigle category should be interpreted as once you get there the user cannot change to another category.

It might help if you look at the last example in the doc about Controled access.
Colin M