
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
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Problems with breadcrumbs and component title after updating to 3.2

Started by heldel, 26.03.2015 14:33:50

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I have a littel problem after updating from 1.9.11 to 3.2.
I have a menu item (Menu type - view single category). This category (Jahreslieder) has 3 subkategories. Wenn you go to the single categories the breadcrumbs is not working any more (shows only the homepage) und the component heading doesn't appear either.
With the old Version it worked.

For better understunding here the example site with the old version:

and here the new version (without component heading and wrong breadcrumbs):

In the new Layouts i added this line <div class="componentheading">{component_title}</div> to the header area.

What im i missing? Does anyone has an idea about this problem?

Thanks in advance for any replays

Kind regards



are you sure that you use the newest version 3.2.31 ?
Best Regards / Gruß
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Hallo Arno

Ja ich denke schon, dass ich die neuste Version 3.2.31 verwende. Im Anhang ein Screenshot aus Backend.
In der zwischenzeit habe ich die Seite mit der neuen Version aufgeschaltet. Deswegen ist diese jetzt so erreichbar:

Zum Vergleich die Seite mit der alten Version, so wie ich es gerne wieder haben möchte (funktinierende Breadcrubs und Überschrift "Jahreslieder"), ist jetzt so erreichbar:

Der Menüpunkt Jahreslieder ist  Typ - Einzelne Kategorie anzeigen. Den Seitentitel habe ich für den Menüpunkt gesetzt und aktiviert. Dies hat aller Dings nur auf der obersten Ebene eine Auswirkung. In den Unterkategorien wird diese nicht mehr angezeigt und alle Versuche diese über die Layouts zu erreichen haben gescheitert.

Breadcrumbs funktioneiert auf der obersten Ebene (Jahreslieder) aber nicht in den Unterkategorien.

Vielen Dank im Voraus für deine Antwort.

Liebe Grüsse


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


My German is poor and I used Google Translate so excuse if I have misunderstod!

The part about the Layouts maybe because jDownloads uses different parts of the layouts at different stages .. I have tried to clarify some of this in
  For instance when showing top level categories it uses the active Categories, but with sub-cats and downloads lists it uses the header of the active Category layout

Colin M


Hi Colin

Thanks a lot for your replay. It helped me to understand the new Layouts better. But my Problem is still the same. I would like to have a Category Heading in the Header area over the single Subkategory view, like i had in the old version, which i did with the Placeholder {component_title}. Unfortunately this is not working any more. Tried also {cat_title} without success eventhough i did my changes in the right Layouts according your tutorial. In the top level view (without subcategories) i can use the Menu item heading, but not in the subcategory view.

My other Problem is the Breadcrumbs which is working on the top level but not with the subcategories.

Du you have any idea what could i do?

Kind regards



I will leave the breadcrumbs part with Arno as he is better at that!  I will try to help with the Title part.  Basically I think you want the title of the relevant Top level category to appear on each page.  Is that correct?

Because of my poor German I have not fully understood how to compare your two sites.  So could you point me at a top level category for each site please.  And I also think perhaps you have a link from the new site to the old site.

Colin M