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MP3 player error

Started by pheinrichs, 01.05.2015 06:27:28

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Clicking play on the mp3 media player produces the following statement - MP3 player: 200, Stream not found, null, clip: "[CLIP] then lists the file location which is correct.  This happened after I moved the folder containing the files to a different location but jdownloads loaded them all properly and the download button does download the files properly. 

Using the latest jdownloads version on the latest joomla version.

Any ideas?


How did you move the files?  Was it with the Batch function in Category or in Downloads, or was it some other way?  Was Automonitoring On?
Colin M


I moved the the actual folder and then  let the automonitoring adjust everything (delete the old and create the new).


I should add that it does this on newly created downloads as well.


well first of all i would like to know which mp3 u r using is it showing error for mobile or for desktop please let me know or else one suggestion i can give you to uninstall and reinstall it and or download new mp3 from trusted website  ::)
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This is a church site.  You can check it out at Check the latest sermons on the right side. The mp3's are recorded sermons (created using Audacity.  No issues in the past.  Only seemed to have problems after moving the location of the files.  Tried unistalling jdownloads and recreating from scratch but having the same issue.  As I said earlier, I can download the mp3 just fine (clicking on download button) but the player throws the error.  Error occurs both on desktop as well as flash enabled mobile (non-flash indicates flash is required...  didn't think flash was required for this player).

Thanks for your help on this.


When I looked at the 'preview you get a "Stream not found" error.  Is the mp3 preview file in the location shown in the error message (/lhcf/sermons/2015/April/sermon april 26 2015.mp3)?  The main download link is
<a href="/index.php/component/jdownloads/send/1084-april/5118-april-26-2015-crucial-conversations-part-ii" title="Download" class="jdbutton jorange jsmall">Download</a>
And it downloads fine onto my desktop.

The preview file link is
<a href="/lhcf/sermons/2015/April/sermon april 26 2015.mp3" style="display:block;width:322px;height:50px;" class="player" id="player5118"><object id="player5118_api" name="player5118_api" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="100%" width="100%"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"><param name="flashvars" value="config={&quot;plugins&quot;:{&quot;controls&quot;:{&quot;fullscreen&quot;:false,&quot;height&quot;:50,&quot;autoHide&quot;:false}},&quot;clip&quot;:{&quot;autoPlay&quot;:false,&quot;url&quot;:&quot;/lhcf/sermons/2015/April/sermon april 26 2015.mp3&quot;},&quot;playerId&quot;:&quot;player5118&quot;,&quot;playlist&quot;:[{&quot;autoPlay&quot;:false,&quot;url&quot;:&quot;/lhcf/sermons/2015/April/sermon april 26 2015.mp3&quot;}]}"></object></a>

This is not where jDownloads normally expects to find the preview file.  Regrettably I am not an expert on MP£ players so I do not know if the MP3 player parameter string has been set up ok. The setup below works fine from my testsite - see pic 2  I am using the flow player option.  Uploaded from front end.

<a href="/jdownloads/_preview_files/Allegro from Duet in C Major.mp3" style="display:block;width:300px;height:30px;" class="player" id="player3"><object id="player3_api" name="player3_api" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="100%" width="100%"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"><param name="flashvars" value="config={&quot;plugins&quot;:{&quot;controls&quot;:{&quot;fullscreen&quot;:false,&quot;height&quot;:30,&quot;autoHide&quot;:false}},&quot;clip&quot;:{&quot;autoPlay&quot;:false,&quot;url&quot;:&quot;/j32/jdownloads/_preview_files/Allegro from Duet in C Major.mp3&quot;},&quot;playerId&quot;:&quot;player3&quot;,&quot;playlist&quot;:[{&quot;autoPlay&quot;:false,&quot;url&quot;:&quot;/j32/jdownloads/_preview_files/Allegro from Duet in C Major.mp3&quot;}]}"></object></a>

What happens if you upload from front end?  When you uploaded the preview files how did you associate the preview with the download?

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Most of the files, particularly the sermon files, were uploaded from the front end.  I've never had to associate a preview file.  Assumed it was playing straight from the main file location. Tried associating a preview file but that didn't work either. 


Issue resolved.  The file folder location was the problem.  Now fixed


AOK - Iwas just posting you a message to that effect when you posted.  Thanks for letting us know
Colin M