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Upload Button Disappeared Solved]

Started by Justin, 28.06.2015 19:22:11

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A site I set up a while back and tested seemed to be working fine. As shown in ScreenShot03, you can see history of upload and downloads by user.

I have no idea what happened, but when I logged in today, the upload button simply no longer shows up (ScreenShot01).  I checked my template, and the section for the upload button is there (ScreenShot02).

I have also included herein 2 screenshoots (04 and 05) to show that both 'Manager' and SuperUser are allowed to upload to the site.

I am at a loss as to why, and how it can be fixed.

I would be happy to share admin password to the site, if you can help me with by verifying what I have described above.

Thank you in advance for your kind help!


[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Interesting - something changed but what is the question!
The downloads button is in the main part of the Files layout. For example in the Layout Standard Files Layout without Checkboxes v2.5 the relevant  place holder is {url_download}
{files_title_begin}<div style="background-color:#EFEFEF; padding:6px;">{files_title_text}</div>{files_title_end}

<table width="100%" style="padding:3px; background-color:#F5F5F5;">
   <tr valign="middle">
      <td width="55%">{file_pic} {file_title} {release} {pic_is_new} {pic_is_hot} {pic_is_updated}</td>
      <td width="20%">
          <p align="center">{rating}</p>
      <td width="25%">
          <p align="center">{url_download}</p>

Please check that {url_download} is still present in you activated Files layout.

If all looks AOK then please send lsite and super admin login.  Best if you create a new super admin user.

Colin M


Thanks, Colin:

I have sent you a message with access information to the site. I checked. The url_download  is there. But that is not the issue. It is the UPload button that is missing - and the tag is there in the header. I have been struggling with this all day, and am total lost as to why this is the case!

Thanks for your looking into this, Colin!



Glad this was sorted - it was an update problem following changes in Joomla! 3.4
Colin M