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Images from jDownload not in tags results

Started by wolfspyryt, 30.06.2015 06:03:32

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That is unfortunate... I would gladly have paid to have this done.


Adding Images with Tags.  I have looked further into this and it is more challenging than it would seem.  Each Tag can have a teaser image and several others but these only appear when the Downloads marked with a specific tag are listed when clicking on the tag.  So one challenge is to be to be able to identify the actual tag that is being shown.  If it is feasible and reasonable to be able to identify the individual tag name or ID then it would be possible to get the img link setup, if requested, from the information in the tag database table.  The problem is that all of that part is in the tag component and its associated services.

Images do not seem to play a significant  part in Tags and their handling.    Presently if one associates an image with an individual tag then all that happens is that the tag system shows that image and any description when it  lists the Downloads ans any other article associated with the tag as  shown in the attached pic.

So it might help if we understood what you were expecting from a tag image and  when  it should be shown in connection with jDownloads.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Colin M


Unfortunately,  the issue does not speak a problem in other components to have images.  Works in K2 and articles components.  Additionally there are no images in your search function results. I will have to either hire someone else then or find another solution to this.  I asked for help on these issues a year ago and am now to no.  Disappointing is an understatement.  I could have resolved this long ago. 


I am trying to be helpful! I like having images. I was  also trying to outline some of the  'challenges' involved.
Could you please show me an example of where tag images appear in articles - not  K2.  I only ever see them in the tag listing!
Colin M


Hello all, ColinM you said:
Adding Images with Tags.  I have looked further into this and it is more challenging than it would seem.

But this is really important to show the file image on tags results pages, I think all modern websites work as tagging search. That what I do on my websites I always use the tag search!
So I wish at your really take a look at it, now it's over 2 years waiting! Just give us the code where to be added in override for com_tags

We hope to hear a positive solution from you.


This is not a jD limitation but a Joomla! one.  Please ask on the Joomla! forum.
Colin M


Joomla by default will show the first images from the article! Anyway, I will post in Joomla forums to try to get any tips! Thanks so long!
Do you prefer any other tag component that can show images from jdownloads!


I do not understand so I think I am missing something.  I did not know that Joomla Tags showed images specific to an item. Maybe because I have never seen any examples.  It maybe this has been added and we were unaware of the change or what coding is used as there is not an updated tutorial!! :(

Are you saying if I tag an article in Joomla which has an image in the article then when you list those tags it will show that image?  Or is the image in the Article 'Images and Links' section?
Which Tags Menu item shows these individual images/item.
Colin M


I posted earlier that Articles and K2 showed images in tag results.

The images in tag results has been part of the Tags component for longer than my request. It would seem obvious to me that a developer would include images in their product for Search function and Tags Function.

Both Search and Tags need images from jDownloads. As I stated, I will either pay someone to resolve this or seek another solution. I do not believe for a moment that I am the only one that desires this. You both have always been very responsive in solving issues. I hope that you reconsider your stoppage in developing these 2 necessary features.

I hope to hear good news soon.

Thank you,


We are not infallible or all knowing!   :(

K2 and articles are essentially the same 'item'.  What I do not know and I am seeking guidance on are the following points.

  • Is the image associated with the tag itself or with individual articles?
  • If it is with an individual article, how is the image that will be shown with the tag specified in the article?
There seems to  be two ways to add an image to an article: intro image; and full article image.
There are also several ways to add an image to a tag.

The available documentation published by the Joomla! team is at best sparse and does not idicate how this is achieved.

Think I may have answered my own question!! I have a tag called 'Tag1'. If I have a menu item of type 'Tagged Items' which specifies two tags tag1 and sub1-cat then that will show articles, jD cats and jd Downloads.  The article items in the list show their Intro image . As well known the jD items are not showing an image, which is the present challenge.

There is a sort of work around.  One can select that the tag shows the description, so it is possible to put an image there as well as the normal place where one adds an image to a Download. Probably OK for Categories but tiresome for Downloads.

More later

Colin M