
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
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Sudden "The requested file was not found..." message

Started by WEBSEO, 30.07.2015 00:11:12

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suddenly, all downloads on my client's website present the following warning:
"The requested file was not found. Please inform the webmaster.: brochure_-_montgomery_md_05-14-09.pdf"

I checked the back admin and found all downloads present. All downloads were active during the last few days.
I have no idea what is the reason for this. Can you please check?


The most likely causes are the following

  • The files have been physically moved to a new loaction
  • the file location on server does not match that set in Config- Downloads Tab - field "Upload directory path"
  • file permissions on your server have been changed
  • database table has become corrupted  - really hope it is not this one!
Do you have a full backup such as generated by Akeeba backup?
Will need admin access to resolve further so please PM (note all earlier ones have been removed)

Colin M


I sent logins on a previous PM this morning, but forgot to add that
I am not using Akeeba Back up, but do have a full copy of the database from before and after finding these issues.

Thank you,


Have looked at site.  The fault is I believe related to a missing category.
If you do not use the side menu but use the main menus you get to see the " Publications by Topic" category.  If you click on that link then there is an error message
"Error: 404 - Parent Category not found

You may not be able to visit this page because of:

    an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
    a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
    a mistyped address
    you have no access to this page
    The requested resource was not found.
    An error has occurred while processing your request."

The actual link is
<a href="/online-resource-library/category/2-publications-by-topic.html">Publications by Topic</a>

I think someone has changed the list-all -cats type menu item from "online-resource-library" to "resource-library"

Colin M


Mmjjm, that is weird, but I need to ask the people working on the site, adding articles and the like.
It certainly wasn't me.

Regarding this: "I think someone has changed the list-all -cats type menu item from "online-resource-library" to "resource-library"
What do you suggest I do to solve this problem?

Thank you,


It is difficult to say exactly what to do for certain.  I will discuss directly with Arno.  In the meantime I would suggest you test your backup on a different site to see its state.
Colin M


thank you for your response.
I got confirmation that nobody on this end made any changes to the JD configuration, or to its files.

Just in case in can be of help, I checked, and the downloads section of this test site. (url posted via PM).
is in working order, but not up to date anymore. I believe there are some new files in the official site, but not updated on this one, yet.
(Logins are the same, in case you want to check).

Looking forward to your findings,



Hi Beatriz,
i will check it tomorrow in your backend. Please wait a little bit.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


No problem Arno. I know how busy you guys are.

thank you so much!


Hi Beatriz,
1. I need ftp login data. This is the only way to check the consistence.
    Please send it me via PM. Thanks.
2. I must also activate the debug modus temporary (only a few minutes).
3. the auto monitoring is deactivated in the jD configuration. So i must start it manually. But the result can be, that many documents are afterwards deactivated (when the file scan result is not succesful).
Is this okay for you?
I think that we have here not a jD bug. More a mishandling from your client.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


thank you for your detailed response.

I will be happy to PM the ftp details soon after I create the account.
With regards to the work you propose, I need to ask my client first, since there could be some possible significant changes afterward.
I will need to wait until next Monday to get approval to proceed.

In preparing for possible work scenarios and just as a possible alternative,
as you most probably know, there is the alternative copy of the site that I mentioned on the responses I sent via PM to Colin. (Let me know if you need me to PM the url to you).
Would you say that it is possible that by replacing the JD on the live site with a JD back up from the test site would solve the problem?
The clients tell me they did not change anything in the configuration; nonetheless, I noticed there were some new, unassigned files in the back JD admin.

Thanks again, Arno,



okay, i will try to check the working copy.
I have the login data from Colin.  ;)

Quotesuddenly, all downloads on my client's website present the following warning:
maybe have anybody edited a folder name via ftp?
Is the absolut path correct in the jd configuration?
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hi Beatriz,
i think i have found the problem.

For me seems the categories structure from your client to be corrupt:
So exist only a single base category which is not published.
This seems to have a sub category: Publications by Topic
But this has not really a parent category!
See the pics and the descriptions.

I think it is not useful to change now the sub category directly in the 'edit' category page (the result could then end in some critical 'move' operations).
So it can be that we must change it directly in the DB.
But for this i need phpmyadmin login.

So here is my offer:
- your client creates a full backup (database and ALL files and folders)
- i need access via FTP and phpmyadmin (from
- i will then activate the maintenance mode for the download area
- afterwards can i try to change/correct the data in the DB tables (without any guarantee) 

For me is fact that this situation has nothing to do with a bug in jD. I think that anybody has manipulated something manually via phpmyadmin or has moved categories folders via FTP. Nobody else has a problem like your client with the new jD series in more as one year.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Arno, thank you for your feedback.
I am contacting my clients right now and will get back to you with any logins necessary and any frther responses I get from them.

many, many thanks for your help.



Hi Beatriz,
it was possible to import the cleaned data now.  ;D 8) ;)
The download area is now online again and should be work properly.

Please give your client this important notes:
- nobody should do anything in the download folder manually via FTP!
- use ftp only to upload files to the base download folder (/downloads/)
- nobody should current try to click on the link: Check Download area now in the jD control panel
- we should use the auto monitoring functions only when we are sure that we will not get any timeouts here

It was not easy to repair the categories structure and i need some hours for it. But important is the good result. ;)

Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!