
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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New content plugin button for 3.2? [better description in 3.2.39]

Started by LSK6453, 20.08.2015 19:37:40

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I used to have a button within my easyblog to link a jdownload file to an entry.  With 3.2, I know the old plugin does not work.  I do not see a new one.  Will that be updated soon?



I think you may need to contact the Easy Blog people as we do not have access on how to incorporate a new plugin for jDownloads

Colin M




Hi Colin

What I found out was there was a setting on the content plugin to have it display on the front end, so the button shows now.  However, it throws an error when trying to select a download to put into a article/blog post.  Please see attached

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Are you referring to the Button for the old Easy Blog Plugin for jD or the jD 3.2 Content Plugin?  I guess you mean the Easy Blog one as there is no parameter in the jD Content plugin to activate the Button.  There is a separate jD Content Button plugin, and that does have an option to enable/disable in front end.  So I am confused about which Content button you mean!!!

I would be surprised if the old Easy Blog plugin designed for the jD 1.9 series would work as there have been significant changes to to the jD database tables.

Does Easy Blog allow 'regular' plugins in content other than those supplied by them?


Colin M


Yes, I believe they do.  In the admin panel, the button works to attach downloads


this is what shows on my admin side.  I am running the most recent version of jdownloads

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Sorry to be a nuisance but I am a bit confused!  Could you please, please always say whether you are talking about EasyBlog or jDownloads.  You mention
QuoteIn the admin panel, the button works to attach downloads
but which admin panel? :(

Does the jDownloads Content plugin work in a regular Joomla! page? 

Is it only having problems within an Easy Blog 'page'?

I have no experience with Easy Blog so please advise each time.  We will sort it out.

Have you asked Easy Blog about this?

Colin M


Sorry Colin.

On the admin side, in easyblog, I am able to attach a download from jdownloads using the download button.  When it is on the front end, I get that error.  I have spoken with Easyblog and they do not have a plugin for this, The image I posted above was from searching for jdownloads in the plugin manager.


Thanks for annotating.
In front end have you tried inserting the jContents plugin code directly eg {jd_file file==ID} where you replace the ID with the actual ID of the download as shown in jDownload component - Downloads?  If that works then it is just the jD Button plugin itself giving the problem

Colin M


i just tried that now and it does not work.  I tried {jd_file file==290} and {jd_file=290}.  these just appear as text


That probably means that Easy Blog is not recognising a regular plugin.  There may of course be an option in Easy Blog that enables/disables plugins in the text.  Or perhaps they insist on the format {plugin-name  some plugin parameters} some text{/plugin-name}

Could you try on a page that is not 'controlled' by Easy Blog if that is possible  you might need to be in the 'direct entry' mode in your editor that allows html directly.

Think you may need to ask Easy Blog if they will support the jDownloads  Content plugin.  There is some example jDownloads plugin code supplied.


PS if all else fails then if it is OK please PM me with super user login details and I will take a look
Colin M



Sorry for the delay in response.  I have now just gotten to try this since a need came up.  I inserted the download into a regular joomla article, all that shows up is the code {jd_file file==351}.  This also occurs in easy blog posts.  PMing information to log into back end.


Got your PM OK - just about to take a look.  Noticed that the Content Plugin has text
"The Content Plugin jDownloads need the jDownloads series 2.5 and Joomla 2.5."

This should read something like "The jDownloads Content Plugin jDownloads is for the jDownloads  2.5 series (Joomla! 2.5.) and jDownloads 3.2 series (Joomla! 3.2 and higher)".

This may have inadvertently added to the confusion!
Will get back soon

Colin M


Problem has been sorted out!  Not a jD bug rather a misunderstanding.  Will try to add some more documentation to add clarity.

Colin M