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Multiple group permissions interfere with add form [Solved

Started by Dode, 14.09.2015 17:09:29

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Hello there,
I'm having an issue with the latest JD (3.2.37) concerning group permissions. If a user is part of several groups, the "Add download" form allows for all fields, regardless of the settings in the Group settings !
If member is in a single group, no problem (Admin, Registered, custom), but if he is in multiple groups, permissions are not taken into account, and every fields appear in the "add" form.
Let me know if i can provide more infos.


A precision, it seems to affect only users in child groups of their parent, ie. "Registered" and "Custom" which is a child Joomla group with specific permissions.


Hi Dode
Think you may not have set the Ranking Value for your 'uploader' group in User Groups Settings.  That value is there precisely to solve the one to many problem.  That is where a user belongs to several UGs then jD has no way of knowing which user group should be used.  So there is a Ranking value

Following might be helpful

Colin M


Thanks Colin, i triple checked the ranking settings, and everything seems fine... See pic attached.
As soon as a user is member of more than one group, every fields appear in the add form (except custom ones). Strange.
In practice, a user set to "Registered" and "Sono", or "Registered" and "Donateur".

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


I think you have them with parents as Author group!
Set the Ranking High say 123 and 125 then that will work.  But also check that parent group is registered.
I can explain more if you like - its all about implied group membership
Colin M


Thanks Colin ! It works now, i had to raise the ranking for the Sono and Donateurs groups to something higher than Registered. Feel free to remove this topic, or move it to the appropriate sub-forum. Thanks again.