
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
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Jdownloads displays unpublished items

Started by romagromov, 22.09.2015 22:17:08

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When super user logged on frontend Jdownloads displays unpublished items...
How I can fix it?
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This is a Joomla! 'feature' - any user with Publisher rights will see unpublished material.  This is denoted by a blue pencil (in articles some templates use blue edging).  The super user is still controlled by the User Groups Settings so if you have not ticked 'Published' then existing Downloads publish status cannot be changed.  (this is not the same as Publish New Downloads).

Because of these sort of interactions I always recommend any jD specific User Groups have Registered as their parent ( or is a child of such a UG).

So rather than have other Superusers you could create a user group which has effectively super user rights as far as jD is concerned but does not have Publisher rights.

Colin M


But I have another site (on different language) and this site don't have this problem  :o
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I have re-looked but can find nothing with jD that can turn off a Super User seeing unpublished downloads.

This is a Joomla! issue.  It is possible to restrict unpublished items from being shown by adding relevant code - I have done this for the User Article Manager component on an old Joomla! 2.5 site- but it is not a jD option.  It maybe you have a different template or template override that provides the 'inhibit' or some other extension

Colin M


Try this:
- go to the jD control page and click in the toolbar on options
- remove the edit permission (for the super user group)

But i'm not sure that this is possible...
Best Regards / Gruß
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