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Problems with template

Started by myxin, 08.10.2015 07:35:14

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Hello everybody,

I use the template beez3 with jdownloads. But the right side (position-6) is under the content of jdownloads.

I don't know how to correct. Here is the link:
Thank you for help.


Do you mean that the Text below is being shown below the jDownloads  listing and you do not want it to show there?  You do at present have it on every page in that module position, not just on the Downloads page.  Incidentally I thought at first that it was  Position 10 (or maybe 9 or 11) not position 6 in Beez3.  This is not a jD issue but a Joomla! one.

Obviously you have a module with that information in it - just for assisting suppose this is a module called 'Slogan'.  Now you can inhibit the Slogan module from showing on jD pages by Excluding Component jDownloads in the Module Assignments Tab.  Then that module will not show when listing jDownloads items.   

But maybe you have got Slogan assigned to module position 6, which is on the right hand side in Beez3.  In that case it is possibly a problem with the scrolling menu on the right hand side that is causing the 'wrappping' to the content area.

QuoteLosung und Lehrtext für Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2015:

So spricht der HERR: Ich habe Lust an der Liebe und nicht am Opfer, an der Erkenntnis Gottes und nicht am Brandopfer.
Hosea 6,6

Die Liebe sei ohne Falsch. Hasst das Böse, hängt dem Guten an. Die brüderliche Liebe untereinander sei herzlich. Einer komme dem andern mit Ehrerbietung zuvor.
Römer 12,9-10
Colin M