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.gpx files ??

Started by robgul, 12.10.2015 22:18:03

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I have some .gpx files as downloads (they are .gpx routes/tracks to use for mapping applications for cycling.

Some users are unable to download - clicking the DOWNLOAD button causes the file to open and display the .xml text - not offer the "open with ... " or "Save" options. 

It seems that it's browser related ; Firefox with Win 7 is fine; Explorer with Win 7 opens the text; Win 10 with Explorer opens the text; Win 10 with Chrome works fine.

Any ideas please?    [ If you want to look it's  and the  Rides library on the LH menu, last sub item Rides Library]




Nice site.
Yes it is browser related and nothing much jD can do about the users setup.  My Firefox setup (on Win 10) asks should I open or save. If I choose open it will then offer 'Always do this for this file type? or similar.

One way that may mitigate is to wrap the gpx files in a zip as a third sub category.  And of course advise what to do etc.  A free zip  is 7z, which I personally use.

Colin M


Quote from: ColinM on 12.10.2015 23:59:14
Nice site.
Yes it is browser related and nothing much jD can do about the users setup.  My Firefox setup (on Win 10) asks should I open or save. If I choose open it will then offer 'Always do this for this file type? or similar.

One way that may mitigate is to wrap the gpx files in a zip as a third sub category.  And of course advise what to do etc.  A free zip  is 7z, which I personally use.


Thanks - I was beginning to assume it was a browser problem - we've had someone using Safari with problems - looks like Firefox and Chrome (the latter being, to me, the work of Satan!) work OK.   The .zip idea could work - I'll experiment ... but also pursue the browser reasons.

Running some test with other file format - e.g. .pdf Explorer seems to work fine ... it's only .gpx it doesn't like?



Now even more confused - my user who has Windows 10 and the new browser reports as follows:
Now, all that said, something in your last email sparked an idea so on the second download button, I right clicked and then selected 'save target as...'.  This resulted in a saved file with the name 9Sep15-RLE-Broom-28mi.xml.  After saving it, I then renamed it changing only the file extension to 'gpx'.  I was then able to open the file with in Tracklogs and to download it to my Garmin Edge 1000 successfully!!!

Now - why on earth is Microsoft/Windows/whatever changing the filename suffix when downloading and saving???



There are two browser options in Win 10 the new Edge Browser or the current IE browse.  If you use the current IE browser there is a right click Save As option.  This is not (or I have not yet found!) a Save as option in Edge.  In both cases it downloads as an xml file.  In Edge it just appears a a text stream so you have to Select All and then copy into a file etc.  With the IE version it as your user reported.

Whilst it is not the devil it is perhaps the deep blue sea!! A little betwixt and between I suppose.

So I stay with Firefox.

Colin M


Quote from: ColinM on 13.10.2015 19:55:14
There are two browser options in Win 10 the new Edge Browser or the current IE browse.  If you use the current IE browser there is a right click Save As option.  This is not (or I have not yet found!) a Save as option in Edge.  In both cases it downloads as an xml file.  In Edge it just appears a a text stream so you have to Select All and then copy into a file etc.  With the IE version it as your user reported.

Whilst it is not the devil it is perhaps the deep blue sea!! A little betwixt and between I suppose.

So I stay with Firefox.


Thanks - the chap has Win10 & Explorer - hence the Save option ... with the filename change annoyance.

There must be an answer ... I shall pursue !  (and ditto stay with Firefox)


Hm... i think this should be a part from the browser.
See as example this for the firefox browser:

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