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Missing downloads list in frontend [solved -template challenge]

Started by i6dvx, 12.11.2015 19:50:25

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Hello. I'm here to ask for help because my downloads are not visible anymore in the frontend.

What I did:
1) I upgraded Joomla from 3.2.7 to 3.4.5 manually (I had some trouble with automatic update);
2) I updated jDownloads from 3.2.14 to 3.2.39;
3) I installed italian language as shown on documentation page;
4) I also added a JDownlad Top module on selected pages.

I didn't realize immediately that my downloads were not visible anymore because the right number of files was written in category view, so I have no idea when they stopped showing up.

I had set jD so that everyone can see files but only members from a selected group can download. Since updating jD, I haven't changed anything in my settings. Furthermore, if I go to my frontend and search inside jDownlod for a file, it appears and I can download it only if I am logged (as it should).

Also, as further information, I have "check download area now" link showing up a "500 internal server error" message, but "auto monitoring" function is working fine.

I attached captures of my frontand and backend.

Thank you

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Sorry for delay but have been very busy!  The pics were helpful.
You need to check with your hosting service the reason why you have an error.  But first check in the Configuration- Download tab that all the directories are Writeable.  Did you change your hosting service?

In order for everyone to see Downloads in a listing you need to have the View Access set to Public.  This includes the containing Categories.  Version 2.2.14 was a long time ago in terms of changes!!  So I suspect it is the Access level that is the problem.

If that does not help the please send by PM super admin access so it can be checked out.  Also could you install  a filemanager such as eXplorer or Profiles (both are free) so we can look at the files structure just in case.

PS if you do PM please also copy to Arno
Colin M


Hi Colin,
For the server error, I'm going to contact my hosting but no, I didn't change it.

About the more urgent issue, I looked over all the permissions I could think of, but I dind't find anything. I also suspected it is something about permission, but I really can't understand where / which one.
Could you please help me locate the "View access to pubblic" you wrote me about? I just don't want to get "lost in translation" and be sure I looked it over. 

By the way, before upgrading from 3.2.14 I made an internal backup with jDownload tool, do you think it can be usefull if I try to restore it?Thank you for your time and help!


If you look at say a category from the backend then on the lefthand side you will see a field called Access.
It is immediatly below the Status field and above the Permissions field.

Normally a Download takes its view access from its Category. So I suggest you check down the chain from top level Cats.

PS the view Access is of course also accessible from the front end create/edit a Download but make sure your uploader usr group has ticked the access field.  Looking at the doccuments might help.
Colin M


Dear Colin,
After a long afternoon of different trials, I resolved both of my problems. I'm writing my experience in case someone elese got the same troubles.

First of all, the missing listing of downloads. I was able to find that the issue was generated by my template.
I'm not really sure what exactly caused it, updating template was useless, but disintalling and reinstalling it was resolutive.

After your suggestion of checking with my provider, it appeared that the server error was linked to a 755 permission missing.

Thank you so much for your time, suggestion and experience.
Best regards



I have been away for a couple of days.  Pleased to hear you sorted things out.  A good review on the Joomla!Extension Directory is always helpful!

Colin M