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Error 500 After Update to 3.2.41

Started by heldel, 22.12.2015 11:32:09

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I just updated to the latest 3.2.41. (running on Joomla 3.4.7). After that the i got an Error 500 in frontend category view as well as in Backend under Downloads. Please find the full error message in the attachement.

I restored the Website from a backup to my previous version  (3.2.39) but i would like to be up to date.

Thanks a lot for any replay.
Regards Helena 

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


The start of your error message is
QuoteUnknown column 'a.featured'
This is an database error.  The 'featured' item is a new entry in the 'xxx _jdownloads_files` table to support the Featured facility.

All I can think of at the moment is that iIt would seem that your database did not update correctly.  Do you have a large number of downloads?  It might be that a timeout occurred whilst the table was being updated.  Have not had that before.  Do you have a shared hosting system as they are more prone to timeout.

Do you have an XAMPP test site on your PC?  You could try it there.  You might like to just retry in a 'quiet' time, or maybe ask your site hosting service to increase the timeout, even if only temporarily.

Colin M


QuoteI just updated to the latest 3.2.41.
The update process ended succesful (without any error message) ?
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!



@Colin: There are not many Downloads on this site. I can't imagine that the timeout is the problem.

@Arno: The update process ended not succesful, here the error message:

Duplicate column name 'uploads_default_access_level' SQL=ALTER TABLE `ghpt_jdownloads_usergroups_limits` ADD `uploads_default_access_level` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `uploads_can_change_category`;

I tried to do the update ones again (with the Joomla update funktion) on the testing account. The result was the same.
I also downloaded the full package of jDownloads and tried to install it (without unistalling the previous version), with the same result again.

Here the link to the testing enviroment:

Kind regards


Dear All,

I have exactly the same problem after updating with version 3.2.41 (Joomla 3.4.8 and PHP 5.6.13)!
Best regards




If this is the same then it looks like your database did not update correctly, maybe there was a time out.  A new facility in jD v41 is th ability to declare a Download as Featured.  This should be the 78th column of table xxx_jdownloads_files (the last one) and should have attributes  of

name:  featured
type: varchar(255)
collation: utf8_general_ci
null: No
default: None

First use the jD Tool 'Backup' and ensure you tick the option to make a backup of the jD part of your database - it will download a file to your PC.
If you use phpMyAdmin in your cPanel then you can look at the databse table.  If you use Structure command whist viewing the table you will readily see the column attributes.  For more info please see:

I believe Arno has a fix for this but he is away for a few days!  But the solution in the above post worked.


Colin M


Hello Colin!

Many thanks for your quick answer. As I have no database knowledges I will wait for the fix of Arno.

Best regards


Thanks Colin for your support.

The jDownloads installation on this site was an upgraded one (from 1.9 series).
Adding the "featured" column in to the xx_jdownloads_files table did the trick. No is all working.

Kind regards Helena


Quote@Arno: The update process ended not succesful, here the error message:

Duplicate column name 'uploads_default_access_level' SQL=ALTER TABLE `ghpt_jdownloads_usergroups_limits` ADD `uploads_default_access_level` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `uploads_can_change_category`;

I was two weeks ill but will now test again the update process from 3.2.39 to 3.2.41.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


- i have now installed a fresh Joomla installation with jD 3.2.39
- then i have started the update to 3.2.41
- but i can not find any errors or problems

By the way, your posted error message could be a problem with an prior update (3.2.25).
But i have no idea why then i can not reproduce it here.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Hi Arno

I did the same jDownloads update on another Website without any problems.
On the Website where the update failled the jDownloads was upgraded while ago from the 1.9 series. Could that have an influence?
Anyway adding the feutured column in the DB Table solved my Problem.

Thanks a lot for your support!

Kind regards Helena


QuoteOn the Website where the update failled the jDownloads was upgraded while ago from the 1.9 series. Could that have an influence?
You had it upgraded from a 1.8.x jDownloads? Maybe.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!

