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How to manage sorting option?

Started by romagromov, 15.01.2016 21:57:32

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When sorting option enabled - in displays 

By Default  | Name | Author | Date | Hits

How to remove Default and Author?
How to add by Ratings and Featured?

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This would require some noticeable code changes.  But I think it would be useful to allow jD to have a selection of what sorting to use.  Would need a bit of planning on how to do in Config with interesting coding.

Colin M


Quote from: ColinM on 16.01.2016 13:23:40
This would require some noticeable code changes.  But I think it would be useful to allow jD to have a selection of what sorting to use.  Would need a bit of planning on how to do in Config with interesting coding.


Ok, I found how to remove Default and Author sorting. We just need to remove this options in template.
A more complicated question is how to add sorting by Ratings and Featured items.
I'm sure - this option will be very useful for users.
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Yes we should rework this. Maybe with with the next version. We should also use a select box, so we need less place (important for responsive layouts).
Best Regards / Gruß
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having a select box would be a good scheme as it would offer more possibilities within a fixed space. 

Having say a couple of buttons that could be assigned as 'favourite' types of search in config or by User Group might be useful as well.  This is still a small fixed space and could enhance the user interface.

Colin M


I'm gonna jump in here real quick, so there's no need to open a new thread...

I want to remove just the "Author" and "Downloads" sort options. I can't see a way doing it via the layouts so I suspect I have to edit a php file? Can someone point me in the direction where to look? :)


Quote from: Dom on 16.03.2016 09:18:23
I'm gonna jump in here real quick, so there's no need to open a new thread...

I want to remove just the "Author" and "Downloads" sort options. I can't see a way doing it via the layouts so I suspect I have to edit a php file? Can someone point me in the direction where to look? :)


Open /components/com_jdownloads/views/category/default.php

Find line with text:

// display sort order bar

Remove needed line

for example

$author   = '<span class="jd-list-author" id="ordering3">'.JHtml::_('grid.sort', JText::_('COM_JDOWNLOADS_FE_SORT_ORDER_AUTHOR'), 'author', $listDirn, $listOrder).' | </span>';

Or remove variable .author below in code

More important for me is to add new sort options - sort by Ratings and sort by Featured

Arno promised to integrate this options.

Waiting  ::)
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awesome, that did the trick. 
Thank you very much! :)


QuoteArno promised to integrate this options.
Ups... it seems that i had forgot it.  ::)

I have add it now to my Todo list! But we need a few weeks then we must first get ready the new layouts and also the Joomla 3.5 compatibility.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


I have now added new options in the configuration. So it is now easy possible to select which data fields are visible for the sort order (see pic). Also the featured field can now be used.

But a sort order like top rated or most rated is not possible. I have instead created a new special module (see second pic).

Both is a part from version 3.2.42 (coming very soon).

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!




Quote from: Arno on 04.04.2016 18:25:47

But a sort order like top rated or most rated is not possible. I have instead created a new special module (see second pic).

Both is a part from version 3.2.42 (coming very soon).

This module supports option "follow current category"?

For example, user browses category "Components".
Can this module displays top rated downloads from current category?
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I understand where you are coming from and it would be nice.

Reget however that the module does not have a mode to use "current category". Presently you have to explicitly specify the category or categories, or all categories. 
As I see it there is no guarantee in general that the user is actually looking at a Category.  Providing the linkage for when a user moves from category to category could be 'interesting'.

Colin M


Ok, can you explain how user, which browsing specific category can get most rated downloads from this category?
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The module is part of the jD v42 release which we expect very soon now.  Like the oither modules it has a  configuration parameter that lets you specify a single cat, multiple cats and all cats.  If a selected Category has sub categories they are also included. 
Of course the search is limited to those Downloads that the user has view Access .

Colin M