
Support for jDownloads 3 has been ended
Since 17 August 2023 has discontinued support for Joomla 3.x. Therefore, we will no longer offer official support for our Joomla 3 jDownloads version 3.9.x from January 2024.
Please update your website to the latest Joomla version (Joomla 4 or Joomla 5) as soon as possible. Afterwards, please update jDownloads to the latest published version. The longer you delay, the more difficult the upgrade process for your website is likely to be.

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The requested file is not found

Started by Forever, 26.05.2016 12:51:39

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Hey guys,

I'm helping a volunteer organization build a website, and while I'm kind of a noob I learn new things and do things for the first time everyday working with this, it's exciting  :) Anyway, now I'm almost finished with everything, all modules and functions etc. before I can start making the design, so here is my problem with jdownloads: It can not find the files I have uploaded from the backend.

I'm making the site so that there will be a few chosen of the clients that will have access to the administration interface of the component and control the content of it - NO uploading will be made from the frontend. Only from backend. Files can be downloaded from the frontend by all registered users. The files and the category (I'm just trying this with one single category and some files because it's the clients that will do the uploading of whatever they want later) are all set to "public" and are published. I can see them when I log in as registered user, but when I press the "Download" button I get this error message: "OBS The requested file was not found. Please inform the webmaster.:".

It's the same when I log in as Super-User.

I try this with different kind of files and they all give the same error message.

I'm using jdownloads 3.2.44, and Joomla! 3.5.1, PHP 5.6.21 and MySQL 5.5.35.

The directory path says "WRITABLE" and I do find the files in the jdownloads folder and in the chosen category using FTP.

Please, help, what could I have done wrong here? This is due to me as I'm the only one working with the site!

[gelöscht durch Administrator]



I apologize for my recent post and for taking up your time, I found the solution. I imagine it seems obvious for you guys who have been doing this a lot but I have no teacher nad no one to really ask  :) Hopefully this can help someone else googling.

So this was my problem: You know my pathways was set to "WRITABLE" and all seemed to be right - but even though it said "writable" this was not the absolute pathway. So if anyone else run across this, make sure you're really using the absolute pathway, not just something that is writable!

I'm happy I learned this - now I can start working with the design finally, this is also my very first website.


Glad you solved your 'challenge'.  actually there are quite a  few situations that could have occurred.  Usually people leave the path to the download area alone as it should have been created  properly when jD was installed.  Did you perhaps change it?

Please also read the docs at especially about permissions and access.  Also about setting up an Uploader user group.   We are always pleased to help. And good luck with your new  project

Colin M


Hi Colin

Yes, I did change it as I started building the site locally using MAMP before we got everything running with the web host, I should have added that to my first post. When I moved the site to the web host later of course I had to change pathway. I thought I fixed the problem since everything seemed to be working and was "writable" but I actually didn't have the absolute pathway. I had a feeling it was something with the pathway that was wrong since I had tinkered with it but I didn't understand what that really could be. It's funny how when you learn things they seem almost impossible but when you solve it it seems rather obvious.  ???

Yes, thank you, I have read the documentation about access/permissions, and about setting up different user groups, it was helpful. Thankyou for your nice reply. Feels good to come back here and read the forum when/if the need arises.


I also uninstalled and reinstalled the jdownloads component in the extensions manager when on the web host server, thinking this could solve it, like you say Colin but the pathway was not created automatically when installing jdownloads again. Maybe there was some cache problem? But nothing was found in the Joomla! cache.


When you uninsta just using the extension manager it then the database entries and all the file structure remain.  This is by design.  The config setup is part of the database.  So if you re-install then it picks up all the previous settings. 
To completely uninstall see

Colin M


When you do not know your absolute path, you can get it from your Joomla installation.
Click on the System / System information and then the tab Configuration File. Scroll then down until you see the path for log_path.  See pic. 

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!


Thank you, both ColinM and Arno.

Yes, ColinM, now I see. Thank you for the link!

Arno, I don't know why but I can not get my absolute path from the Joomla! Configuration file in the System information. I've tried that but it gives me  something totally different than my absolute path that jdownloads needed to work. It says "../logs". I changed /logs to /jdownloads, that was when it was writable but could not find the files. Could this also be due to the fact that I did not uninstall jdownloads completely and correctly? I found my absolute path by creating a PHP-file asking for it described in this article:


If you go to Global Configuration - System tab - field "Path to Log Folder" you will find a string ending log so copy that string and replace the log with jdownloads.
The absolute path is also on the Server tab - field "Path to Temp Folder" which has tmp at the end.
See also the System Information - Configuration File lines log_path and tmp_path               
Colin M


No, I'm sorry, I've checked all of them and neither of them give me my absolute path.  :-\


Hmm!  Something is not quite right with the Joomla! installation.
Colin M


Hmm, yes... Well, everything seems to be working fine with the site - so far. I'll do some research on this.


You should contact your hoster for the path.
Best Regards / Gruß
Please make a Donation for jDownloads and/or write a review on the Joomla! Extensions directory!