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Frontend upload category list

Started by svherpen, 26.11.2016 12:17:30

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Sorry for touching on this subject once more, but it seems like each new (upgrade) version of Joomla introduces  some permissions/settings errors  :( I read somewhere on this forum a message posted by Arno where it says

"when a user has the permissions to create or edit a Download in the frontend, he can see (when selected in his user groups settings) also a category select box. But in this field are only this categories listed, where this user has access."

In my version of jDownloads 3.2.46 running on Joomla 3.6.4 I do not see the option 'category select box' in the user group settings.
I want to restrict user of certain ClosedUserGroups creating new downloads only in their respective category and NOT be able to use the category select dropdown to choose a different category. It's also my observation that all categories are shown in the dropdown, not only the ones that the user belongs to.  And I have been reviewing all other related posts and know of the option to created a menu link that allows posts to one category only, but thats what I want. I want to use the upload icon in the frontpage, which by default does select the category where the icon is clicked (so that is good), but does show all categories (which in my case is not good).

I think I can make a very dirty fix by applying a CSS class .hidden so the dropdown is not selected, but that is certainly not my preference.
Regards, Sjaak


Do not think this is due to a Joomla! update but it is a more complex setup than may be imagined particularly if there are multiple user groups with 'upload' capability.
One general piece of advice is only create User Groups relating to jDownloads that you wish to allow to upload from the front end with Registered as their parent, or of course with another 'uploader' group whose parent is the Registered user group.  That is set up your own 'tree', do not use Editor, Author, Publisher or similar User Groups as the parent.

The objective is to restrict creation to a specific Category, so first deselect the 'May select a different Category' parameter in User Groups Settings in Group Creation/Editing Settings tab; and also create a 'Create Download' menu item that specifies the required Category in the menu item Options tab. See pics

Suppose we wish to allow a particular User Group(UG), called say Carpet-uploaderUG, to be able to only create or edit Downloads in category Carpet.  Set the parameters for UG Carpet-uploaderUG as required for other aspects of creating/editing  Downloads and in particular make sure that the field 'May select a different Category' in the Group Creation/Editing Settings tab is deselected, that is it is not 'ticked'.  Also of course set the User Group Ranking to a suitable high value.
Next create an Access Level, called say Carpet-uploaderView, whose only member is Carpet-uploaderUG.
Next go to Joomla! Menus and create a jDownloads 'Create Downloads' menu item in the appropriate menu. Call this menu item say Create Carpet Download, set Access Level to Carpet-uploaderView, and then go to the Options tab to set Default Category to Yes and select that default from the 'Choose a Category' pulldown list.

It is advisable to create an appropriate view Access Levels for all 'Create Downloads' menu type items.  This is because of the Add button that may be enabled to appear on listings of Categories and Downloads.  This is because the Add button will use the link corresponding to the first visible 'Create Downloads' menu item in the menus. It might be useful to disable the Add button when there are multiple different 'uploader' user groups by deselecting 'Display add/upload icon'.


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Colin M