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add commenting permission in to categories and download items

Started by shoulders, 18.01.2018 13:30:35

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If a commenting permission variable was added into categories and download items I could control the display of komento comments on all items and categories. It might just require some minor alterations to the view code to add the permissions variable (not checked for what commenting code is already there). This would make integration a lot easier.

I have seen the komento plugin there but I am after the extra permission and fine grain control.



Not sure I understand what you are suggesting here.  Adding an extra permission is certainly non trivial and could make a negative impact including a lot of documentation changes.
Also not over familiar personnaly with Komento so a few examples and pics would help.
Colin M


Hi Colin

NB: This firefox text editor bug is sending me nuts  :-[

I am an amateur developer so I might not know all of the correct terms. I have already done an integration tutorial of RSFeedback and Komento see: - It will get an update this weekend.

Now if you look at the attached image you can see that I would add a permission here and then this would cascade down to all catgegories and posts. You might be able to get away with one permission rather than one for categories and one for items. I would like to add commenting for categories and items while we are at it (consider the version issue I mentioned earlier where you would group all different version together, these are in a category)

The default for this permission would be off.

when the page is rendered there will be a permission object ie $this->permissions->commenting (view.html.php or the helper) which I could use to control the triggering of Komento.

Currently jcomments is enabled globally using the option config-->Frontend-->Support JComments? and there is also a counting option config-->Frontend-->View number of comments?

I can definetly get the number of comments from Komento.

I think JComments is dead and could possible be removed (your choice)

some example code

// commenting
if($this->permissions->feedback_commenting) {
    echo $this->comments->form;

Does this help?

[gelöscht durch Administrator]