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Access rights for user groups

Started by user325, 20.02.2018 13:04:29

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Hello together,

I'm struggling with access rights for different user groups.
I want the users of my site only to see the download categories, they are accessed to. In the actual state all categories are shown.
My hierarchy is like Public, Registered (Subgroup 1, Subgroup 2, ...), Super User. I want to categorize the downloads for the Subgroups under Registered.

Is this possible without creating access rights for user groups on first hierarchy level? I'd have to change nearly everything.

Thanks in advance!


Have you looked at the documentation in

I understand that in principle Subgroup1 needs to be able to  download different Downloads from those in Subgroup2.   There may also be some Downloads that both can Download.  What you want to do is possible.

What is important to note is that a User Group (UG) inherits the permissions of its Parents, and of its Grand Parents, and so on.  Also never use Deny permission as that causes unforeseen 'challenges'.

The easiest schemes are to put the relevant Downloads in appropriate top level categories but that depends on the organisation you want for your users.  One can control at the individual download level but that usually means a lot of work.

To advise you further and in more detail I would need to know how you want to organise your jD Categories and Subcategories. And also who in general is able to Download what.  You also need to consider if you want users to be able to see the existence of a Download as this is controlled by the Joomla view Access level.

Colin M


Hi Colin,

thank you for helping me so far.

I want to have a single page for the downloads. It appears just for the User Group Registered in the menu bar, if they're logged in - so far it works.
On this download page - by now - all download categories and items appear.
But it should be like this: for Subgroup x (first child of Registered) shall appear only downloads, they can really download. Got it? I think it would be more clear for the users where to find their download items.



What you now need is to create view Access levels
Suppose CatX is to only be seen by members of UGX then create view Access Level vALX which has UGX as its member UG.
Similarly for CatY seen by UGY using vALY, and so on
Colin M


Hi Colin,

with additional view access levels it's working now. It's not very comfortable, but it however works.

Thank you for your support!



There are other ways of sorting this out and my suggestions for your site may not be optimal.
To do better I would need backend super admin access and better understand your objectives.
The Joomla! permissions and view access are 'interesting' but powerful.
Colin M