
Category: Layout Views
Downloads: 3
Created: 2016-02-19
Version: v1
Size: 0
This slide show presents examples of the new layouts from a simulator as they would appear on an Apple i5 phone, which has a screen resolution of 640-by-1136 pixel resolution at 326 ppi.  The reasonable pixel density shows that the new layouts work satisfactorily.
Created: 2016-02-19
Size: 0
This "Download"  description shows the new layouts from a simulator as they would appear on a Samsung Galaxy Y phone which has a screen resolution of  240-by-320 pixels  (~133 ppi pixel density).  This phone struggles a little due to its low resolution but it does manage. Probably not a good idea to use the 4 column Categories layout - but we will work further on that layout later.
Created: 2016-02-19
Version: v1
Size: 0
This slide show presents examples of the new layouts on a regular Desktop PC
{besps}layout-demos/Regular PC|sdur=4|width=600|height=450{/besps}